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Home MV4th Forth ForthTerm Downloads Fifth Release of ForthTerm ver. 2.2b (20131125)

Fifth Release of ForthTerm ver. 2.2b (20131125)


This article contains links and information about the ForthTerm terminal program version 2.2b This is the fifth release of the ForthTerm program. The code editor updated in the forth release of ForthTerm introduced a number of bugs into the ForthTerm terminal program. This release should fix most of the bugs in the program. You should not use any version 2.2 release prior to this 2.2b release as there are problems with the generation of forth block files and error in the setup program.

The fifth version of ForthTerm (version 2.2b) can be downloaded from this link; ForthTerm ver 2.2b download.

The download is a ZIP file that contains a Windows setup program. Extract the setup file to a temporary work folder then run the extracted setup program.

This version also corrects the problem of the terminal program freezing up when the serial port device used by ForthTern is removed from the computer.