Micro Vibe

My Micro Hobby Projects

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Home Site Information
Site Info

In this section you will find links to general information about the site.

Site Down For Three Weeks

This site was down for past three weeks due to a router failure. The router failed just as I had left home for three weeks and I had no way to repair the site from my remote location. The router in question was a 5 year old D-Link 804 series. I found an old D-Link 704 and used it to get the site back up when I got back home. Normally when a D-Link router fails the power supply dies in this case the router itself died. I apologize to anyone trying to access this site during this period.
Last Updated on Friday, 20 January 2017 09:54

About Site

This site is devoted to the documenting and sharing of my current electronics related hobby projects. I got the bug for micro-controllers when I took an electronics course in community college and we learned to program the National Semiconductor's SCAMP programmable logic chip. Since that time I have developed hobby projects based on many different controller chips.
Last Updated on Monday, 24 November 2014 17:56

Removed Forums And Site Registration

I have removed the site forums and user registration from the web site. The web site forums were not being used to any great extent and where a magnet for spam sites trolling for email addresses. The web site registration was only used to control who could post to the forums, with the forums removed from the site there is no reason to create a site account. All of the site articles and downloads can be accessed without logging into this site.
Please feel free to post your questions and comments to the This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it  email address.
Last Updated on Tuesday, 14 December 2010 11:28

Registration System Fixed


The Micro Vibe registration system was not working and I apologize for any inconvenience this has caused. Frown The registration system is now fixed. Anyone who attempted to register and saw an error message when they attempted to create there account on the site will need to recreate there account. I deleted all accounts that had attempted registration but have not completed the registration process.

As a side note the only reason to register on this site is if you wish to post to the forums. All downloads and published articles are accessible without registering with this site.

Last Updated on Thursday, 10 December 2009 07:05

Site back up


Sorry for the loss of the Micro Vibe web site this week. The motherboard in my server died (1 year old) and it took a while to restore the server hardware and get the site back up and running.

Last Updated on Sunday, 08 November 2009 10:03
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