Micro Vibe

My Micro Hobby Projects

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Micro Vibe

Getting Started With MV4th16


This article provides general information on using the current release of MV4th16 Forth for the Parallax Propeller chip. To get started you will require a Parallax Propeller target device such as a Parallax "Proto Board" or a "Proto Board USB" or equivalent. The MV4th16 demo can be configured to use a 64K or 128K I2C eeprom or an SD card as the block device. The console device is implemented as a two wire async serial port using the same pins as the Prop Plug.

Last Updated on Monday, 08 February 2016 12:31

MV4th Project Overview


MV4th is a Forth interpreter for the Parallax Propeller chip I cobbled together using ideas from many embedded Forth programs. MV4th is based primarily on Camel Forth, eForth, Z80Forth, and the ANS Forth documentation circa 1993-1995.

Last Updated on Monday, 26 April 2010 11:42

Z80Emu Second Version Changes


 This article covers the changes to the Z80Emu program for the 091219 release. This is the second release of the Z80Emu  program. This release contains bug fixes to the Z80 emulation code as well as enhancements to the disk manager window.  The new version can be found in the downloads section of this web site.

Last Updated on Sunday, 27 December 2009 06:01

Squish Play Startup Problem


A bug in squish play service prevented the service from starting on systems that did not have any valid audio input devices. I have created a new setup to correct the problem, it is available in the SquishPlay Downloads section of the site. 

Last Updated on Thursday, 04 March 2010 05:56

Registration System Fixed


The Micro Vibe registration system was not working and I apologize for any inconvenience this has caused. Frown The registration system is now fixed. Anyone who attempted to register and saw an error message when they attempted to create there account on the site will need to recreate there account. I deleted all accounts that had attempted registration but have not completed the registration process.

As a side note the only reason to register on this site is if you wish to post to the forums. All downloads and published articles are accessible without registering with this site.

Last Updated on Thursday, 10 December 2009 07:05

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